Hemptique Hemp Cord Review and Pride Pattern collab
My very first yarn review of the wonderful hemp cord by Hemptique. For this review I had the pleasure of designing a collection of free patterns to celebrate pride month using their festive yarns.

Crochet Chain Link Necklace-Hemptique Collab
Make my favorite piece from the collaboration pattern collection I did with Hemptique for pride month. I love the mix of crochet “chain” with actual chain for this necklace.

Crochet Choker Patterns- Hemptique Collab
Enjoy two different choker patterns made using the lovely hemp cord from Hemptique. These patterns are part of the pride month collaboration pattern collection I did.

Granny Square Pouch- Hemptique Collab
Easy crochet pattern for hemp granny square pouch from my pattern collection in collaboration with Hemptique for pride month.

Granny Square Earring Variations- Hemptique Collaboration
I’ve been obsessed with making granny square earrings for years now, so I had to put some in my collaboration pattern collection with Hemptique. Enjoy some different ways to use granny square in earrings!

Watermelon Plush Crochet KeyCHain
Beginner friendly pattern for a crochet watermelon plushie keychain.

Thwompette Cosplay crown crochet pattern
A crochet pattern for the Bowsette crown from the Mario games.

Crochet Star pattern
A simple crochet pattern for a set of six pointed stars with points alternating from long to short. This pattern features 3 sizes of the design!